Monday, December 30, 2019

Health Care For Migrant Populations Strategies For...

Overcoming Barriers to Equitable and Effective Health Care for Migrant Populations: Strategies for Health Systems Shoshanna Fine, GHP 272 Midterm Essay Introduction Current trends in global migration emphasize its importance as a leading policy issue worldwide. A recent United Nations report estimates that as of 2013, there were 232 million international migrants worldwide, with the number of international migrants increasing by over 50% between 1990 and 2013. Furthermore, assuming that migration continues to increase at the same pace that it has for the past 20 years, the International Organization for Migration’s 2010 World Migration Report estimates that there could be as many as 405 million migrants worldwide by 2050. Although there†¦show more content†¦Migrants face significant barriers to health at every level of the health system. They often face structural and political barriers resulting from the absence of national policies addressing migrant rights, and the lack of equitable coverage by host country health insurance programs. They face institutional barriers as a consequence of national deficiencies in effective, migrant-sensitive health services. Finally, they face individual barriers arising from cultural, social, and linguistic challenges in adapting to new health systems. Without a comprehensive approach to migrant health that addresses these barriers to care – from the structural to the individual level – heath systems will not be able to effectively and equitably reach their migrant populations. It is essential for countries to balance the adoption of equitable migrant-supportive health policies with the strengthening of effective supports at the community level. By examining how these different levels of care can act in concert, as well as innovative approaches taken by several countries in responding to the influx of international migrants, we can begin to understand the

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Discrimination Essay - 2072 Words

Existence of Discrimination Discrimination happens to be exhibited in many ways and different settings. Some of the reasons people discriminate are race, belief, sexual preference, employment, religion, gender, size, and even a person health status. Usually the person that discriminates has a narcissistic behavior and preoccupied with issues of power, vanity, and personal adequacy. Their disorder and ignorance of what the discriminator doesn’t understand, fuels their negative feelings. Many times the basic root of discrimination is heredity, passed down from generation to generation, which also makes it easier to keep discrimination alive. People experience discrimination in a variety of settings like work, school, church, stores,†¦show more content†¦Discrimination is not visible to everyone, but mostly visible to the discriminator and the victim. I have been discriminated in many areas of my life. For instance, at work I was discriminated against because of the color, title, and personal appearance. One time, I had a patient tried to scratch me, and called me a nigger because I’m black. Not once did I disrespect her or mistreat her, but she thought she had the right to say negative words to me, and physically harm me because of the color of my skin. She knew nothing about me except that I was a black woman. The opponents would say that the patient might have behaved like this because she might have had a bad experience before. I would say that a bad experience might not lead a patient call me a nigger, nor would she try to hurt me. Discrimination also exists in a racial sense. A study was created in 2002 to study discrimination in the job market. â€Å"Researchers sent out 5,000 resumes in response to help wanted ads in the Boston and Chicago Sunday papers. The resumes were identical, except for the names of the job applicants...Although the qualifications of the supposed job applicants were identical, the white-sounding names elicited 50 percent more callbacks than the black-sounding names† (Henslin 359). The employers did not look at the resumes properly, and only focused on the names of the applicants. This demonstrate that blacks are prejudged andShow MoreRelatedDiscrimination Essay2500 Words   |  10 Pagesâ€Å"Discrimination is a likely occurrence during the recruitment process.† Discuss this statement in relation to the human resource practices and the issues relating to personality, perceptions and values of managers. This essay argues that discrimination is a likely occurrence during the recruitment process. It will focus upon the various forms of discrimination faced and the issues relating to personality and perceptions resulting from the mainstream perspectives, stereotypes and ideologies heldRead MoreAn Essay About Discrimination And Religious Discrimination1440 Words   |  6 PagesPersuasive Essay Terrianne Zhang Let’s take a look at our world. Currently, 7.4 billion people inhabit the Earth, and nothing seems to be wrong with our human society. But if that’s what we believe, we are either poorly informed of the issues that are happening around us, or ignorant to the fact that these issues could, in fact, involve us. I believe that one of the largest problems that we humans have encountered today is discrimination - specifically, religious discrimination. Eighty-four percentRead More The Virtue of Discrimination Essay1065 Words   |  5 PagesThe Virtue of Discrimination Discrimination is a word that has taken on a negative connotation in todays society. Since the beginning of the equal rights movement, the perceived meaning of the word discrimination has shifted from that of a useful virtue to one of an insulting, derogatory word. Robert Keith Miller wrote an essay for Newsweek in the summer of 1980 that focuses on the discrepancies in the use of the word discrimination. â€Å"Discrimination Is a Virtue† points out the differencesRead MorePrejudice and Discrimination Essay913 Words   |  4 PagesPrejudice and Discrimination Prejudice: 1) an opinion formed without careful thought.2) an unreasonable or unfair feeling (in favour of, or against something). Discrimination : 1) to be the difference between. 2) (with favour of, against ) to treat favourably or unfairly. These are the dictionaries definitions of what the two words mean, obviously very briefly. Different forms of prejudice and discrimination are the underlining of racism, sexism, ageism, nationalismRead MoreDisparity and Discrimination Essay790 Words   |  4 PagesMany different situations occur within the criminal justice system. The situations that will be discussed in this essay are Pseudospeciation, bigotry vs. racism, hegemony, social construction, and disparity vs. discrimination. There will be definition on these terms. After defining the all terms, I will apply these terms to the criminal justice system using examples to illustrate the understanding of the definitions. Pseudospeciation Pseudospeciation begins with the fact that cultural differencesRead MoreEssay Discrimination584 Words   |  3 PagesDiscrimination Discrimination! Of course you have heard of discrimination, but what is it. A dictionary would tell you discrimination is to make a distinction in favor of or against a person. Discrimination is a lot more than just that: its hate, hurting, judging, ignorance, and can even lead to death. The world we live in has been struggling with this sensitive subject, for as long as we have record of. Many people believe discrimination has made a big step forwardRead More Discrimination in the Workplace Essay1523 Words   |  7 Pages Discrimination in the work place towards women is extremely common and occurs in everyday life. You can prove this by explaining how women in the workplace get paid, get promoted and get treated based on their sex. Sex discrimination in the workplace comes with many different faces. In its most basic form, it involves outright exclusion of women, solely by reason of their gender. Even where women have gained access to the workplace, sex discrimination may persist in other ways. ExamplesRead MoreEssay Discrimination in America835 Words   |  4 PagesOur world has always been faced with the problem of discrimination. It is one of the most discussed topics nowadays and throughout history. In all countries there is most likely at least one type of discrimination that affects different groups of people. The definition of discrimination is the denial of opportunity or equal rights for a specific group of people that may be differentiated by things such as their religion, color of skin, or gender. The world we live in has been struggling withRead MoreSex Discrimination Essay1438 Words   |  6 Pageshave recently turned down Nancy Conrad for a position as sales supervisor.  Ã‚  Nancy believes the denial was due to her gender and she has filed a sex discrimination charge with the EEOC.  Ã‚  Explain the steps the EEOC will use to process the charge; include Nancy’s options during the process.  Ã‚  Determine the likelihood of success of Nancy’s discrimination claim from the EEOC data base (available through Describe the basic precautions you should take so you might prevail in her claim. Read MoreDiscrimination laws Essay720 Words   |  3 Pagesdifference between the treatment of small and large businesses, and why they should be lawfully different. There are obviously some reasons behind this; the main difference is the lack resources that smaller businesses have to be able to comply with discrimination laws. Smaller business may have difficulty diversifying their work force due to many reasons such as, having a small family business, not being able to always hire the best candidate for every job meaning they often have to resort to hiring people

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Steve Jobs Leadership Style Free Essays

Gates’ leadership style and management practice are legendary. He is known for detail which is quite logical for a computer programmer and astute businessman. Control is basic to Gates’ nature. We will write a custom essay sample on Steve Jobs Leadership Style or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is apparent in his management practice. He is obsessed with detail and follow-through. As a CEO, he believed that his managers must be evaluated in terms of their personal influence. So, each manager was expected to act like his own little CEO in his own little right. Gates cannot be blamed for this attitude. He has been an entrepreneur for the most part of his life. He knows that, as a manager of business, a person has to be accountable for his own influence on the stream of things and the tides of change. Gates deals with his subordinates in the only way he knew how to deal with business management and leadership. This is how he likewise deals with himself. Quite logically, he projected himself into each and every manager of his company. As he would reward himself for being a good influence on his entrepreneurial endeavors, Gates firmly believed in financial incentives.Just as he made himself rich, so did he make his managers rich. Extremely rich. According to some reports, about a third of company employees were thought to be millionaires. The cream of the crop could have been worth $100 million. Microsoft employees say that they find it comfortable being with the company, adding that no matter how huge Microsoft is, there is still a â€Å"small company feel, with open communications between management and the employees† (Vault Employer Profile: Microsoft, 2003).To sum up Bill Gates’ leadership style, he gives it in snippets and sound bytes himself in his 1999 book entitled Business @ the Speed of Thought: Succeeding in the Digital Economy. Here, Gates gives four of his favorite leadership tips (Gates, 1999). This is proof that he walked the walk and talked the talk. The first tip is about taking two ‘retreats’ every year to recharge one’s own batteries, and to refresh the focus and perspective of things. The second tip encourages people to read books on various other topics to broaden the mind, such as materials that are not necessarily about the profession that one is in. This means that a leader has to study other industries apart from the one he belongs in, so as to glean the impact these have on his industry as there is a certain interconnection in the entire value chain. The third leadership tip is about identifying problems at the soonest possible time. Beyond that, a leader has to promptly act on solving these problems that have been identified.This problem tracking should be done with the latest and most scientific metrics that are at the leader’s disposal. The fourth leadership tip that Bill Gates gives is to stop at the end of the day. This is for the purpose of analysis and clearing one’s mind, to see where the chokepoints had been during the day in terms of inefficiency and ineffectiveness over the last 24 hours. It is apparent that Bill Gates is a stickler for results. If he is demanding on his people, that is only because he demands the same from himself. How to cite Steve Jobs Leadership Style, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Peoples Sense Of Values Samples for Students †

Question: Discuss about the People's Sense Of Values. Answer: Values are important and inform how one behaves or perceives the self. People develop values due to the influence of many factors. Primarily, people develop their values at three distinct levels. Firstly, people uphold values that the inherited from the parents or caretakers as they grow up. Secondly, values are developed from researching and examining the existing values then choosing the one that makes sense. Thirdly, values are developed as a result of life experiences that a person encounters. For this reason, assessment of my personal values reveals that the psychosocial theory has had an immense impact in their shaping. Erik Erikson, in his theory, contends that people's sense of values or self-growth or development stems from the social crises that they encounter throughout the life. These crises help a person react or even adapt. He, therefore, cites three critical crises including industry vs. inferiority, isolation vs. intimacy, and trust vs. mistrust. Industry versus infer iority contributes to values such as work competency, ethics or self-worth. Isolation versus intimacy sires values such as love, respect or kindness. The trust versus mistrust social crisis connotes the experiences that a person encountered during their infancy and how these experiences shape their trust. I form my values from what the environment presents. For example, as a social worker, it becomes very difficult dealing with victims of a crisis such as a displacement after a war. In such a case, I ought not only to have humility but also be emotionally supportive to the affected. Arguably, values change as one encounters different scenarios. Thus, one value can be applied in one situation but not in another. This notion, therefore, creates the aspects of the dynamics of values. However, I feel challenged by the systems theory as a social worker. Systems theory posit that a person's behavior (which in this case will be termed as values) is determined by some factors that together function as a system. Therefore, the manner in which a person acts or thinks is shaped by such factors as the home environment, social events settings, friends, school, parents, peers, and economic class among others. It, therefore, means that a person's behavior can either be influenced positively or negatively. For instance, children who grew up in abusive homes are likely to develop deviant behaviors. People who engage with peers who practice drugs and substances are likely to become addicts as well. In the same way, children who attend school and follow the school rules and regulations are likely to be successful in their academic performance. As a social worker, this theory presents challenges to me. Principally, a social worker has to evaluate and analyze those systems that in form a person's behavior and welfare. Additionally, the social worker must work towards strengthening those systems while discouraging those that result in negative behavior. The systems theory, therefore, is far-reaching and calls for the social worker to work extensively to establish and maintain the supportive systems. It is so because the systems compete to impact either positive or negative results. The role-play experience was challenging yet a learning process. I had three role-plays. One was acting as a social worker, two as the client and three as an observer. In the first instance, I assumed the role of a social worker with my fellow student as the client. One of the things I observed is that the session was challenged by various problems. Firstly, I could not maintain a direct eye contact with the client. While keeping an eye contact is important and determines how the social worker and the client relate, I felt that I did not do enough in this sector. Secondly, I had to focus on asking my clients some questions. The questions were related family, job and other more personal issues. In that case, I felt that I was getting too much personal information from the client and I was not sure whether he was comfortable with it. It was a challenge because some people are not always willing to give very personal information since they may feel that their privacy is being violated. The third problem was that there was poor communication. My communication skills were poor and may have impeded effective communication and response. The second role-play was acting as the client. Taking the role as the client was much easier for me since I was required to respond to the questions asked to me. However, as earlier said, there was a communication barrier. For this reason, I may have provided irrelevant responses in some instances. The third role entailed observing the client and the social worker. So I was a non-participant. However, it was much easier to provide feedback for both the client and the social worker. In spite of these challenges, I have excellent listening skills, ability to relate to others and always willing to learn. I give my client adequate time to talk, and I pay attention to what is said. I also seek clarification where need be so as to avoid generalizing or making assumptions. In addition, I relate well to people and value how they impact in my career. Moreover, I take corrections positively and not as a reproach. I learn a lot from what others hold to be true and right. I believe that these skills and abilities are key for a social worker and in social work. I would also like to improve my communication skills. I have identified some ways in which I can improve my communication skills. The first thing is to listen to the other person and seek clarification to avoid generating personal responses. There is also the need to have one conversation at a time. It attracts paramount attention to what is said. Secondly, is to involve body language. Body language communicates as m uch the verbal language. Another thing is to consider who I am speaking to or with. Communication can be formal or informal depending on the person speaking or responding. Finally, is developing confidence in what I say. Assertiveness in communication tells the other person that one is confident in what he/she is saying. In my role play, I realized the importance of the social work knowledge into both the social worker and the client. I applied the social work knowledge in determining how an individual's behavior relates to the social environment. I also realized how effective the social work could be considering that the social worker and the client can understand each other. For instance, in this case, there was the problem of communication. Poor communication challenges the results of the social worker. It is thus clear that any problem that arises affects both the social worker and the client like in my case. Again, I understood that the social worker and the client both play important roles. The roles of the latter are therefore different from those of the latter. For this reason, the work was much easier for me as the client since I was only expected to respond to the questions as requires. Assuming the role of a social worker was challenging since all the responses were entirely dependent on t he questions that the social worker had to formulate. Likewise playing the role as an observer was even the easiest task. However, every role and participant is important. In addition, several values were applied during the role play. Firstly, I felt that there is always the need to uphold the dignity and worthiness of a person. Social work entails dealing with people and situations. All people, including the social worker, clients, and other participants ought to respect one another. The respect that a person expresses towards the other is one way to which cooperation is enhanced. Another value that applied personally to me is the value of competence. A social worker should be a competent person. I, therefore, saw the need for being equipped with the relevant knowledge, understanding the client and the matter of discussion, as well as knowing how and when to respond to a given issue. Competence was also critical in the making of the decisions. It helped me arrive at some conclusions. Similarly, the value that underpins the importance of human dignity and relationships was also effective in decision making. Human dignity helped me realize the importanc e of treating other people well without discrimination. Every person, may it be the client or others have their dignity that has to be respected. Integrity is also another value that is critical in the field of social work. Integrity in my case helped me establish trust with the client. In the same way, role-playing as a client also enabled me to create some rapport and trust with the social worker. Integrity, thus, enhances openness among the parties involved. It also paves the way for better decision making. People have different beliefs and beliefs are superior or inferior to others. Consequently, as a social worker, I had to pay attention to my client's beliefs as well as mine before making any decision. The decision must not interfere with another person's beliefs. In any case, I respect the beliefs of my client.

Friday, November 29, 2019

School Ties - The Code Of Honor Essays - Codes Of Conduct

School Ties - The Code Of Honor The Code of Honor Honesty, respect, accountability, these are all words the honor code stands by, it's a foundation on which academic integrity abides, and a line drawn between what's right and wrong. The honor code in the movie School Ties meant more than just a signature one signed, it was a living entity, a guideline the school swore by, and those that broke the code met with the consequences. ?It is the students responsibility, not the teachers, to uphold St. Matthews honor code,? said the headmaster as he addressed the students gathered in the chapel for mass at St. Matthews. The headmaster understood the relevance of the code, and that the power was vested in the students to make it work for the entire student body. Another example of the honor code was when the history teacher addressed the class by asking the students to discuss among themselves who cheated on the recent test. He went on to strongly urged the class that overlooking the incident would be robbing them of the honor code. At the end of the movie the main character, David Green, takes the fall for Charles Dillon, the student who cheated. However, the headmaster finds out the truth from the prefect, Rip, and Dillon is expelled from school. As David leaves the headmasters office, the teacher reminds him, ?The honor code is a living thing, it can't live in a vacuum.? St. Matthew's knew how to fill the vacuum, but it was the students that lived it. A life not set by rules or regulations, but an internal drumbeat, marching to the beat of its own, honesty. I have sincere doubts about the usefulness and the meaningfulness of the honor code, because addressing cheating requires more than just the honor code alone. Cheating is a problem in part because of the enormous pressure put on students by a school's high-strung atmosphere to achieve. I think students feel that in order to survive, they must take advantage of the gray areas of being honest, often stretching the limits as to cheating and using someone else's work. Therefore, any honor code implemented in such an environment will result in students changing cheating techniques to work around the code. I feel the best way to deal with this problem is to make students fully aware that cheating is unprofitable and nothing good come of it. Ultimately, the honor code works because it is fully enforced by the students themselves. As Mencken once said, For every complex problem there is a simple solution -- and it is wrong. Solving the issue of dishonesty requires far more than just an honor code alone.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Breaking Down the Pros and Cons of Grade Retention

Breaking Down the Pros and Cons of Grade Retention Grade retention is a process in which a teacher believes that it would benefit a student to keep them in the same grade for two consecutive years. Retaining a student is not an easy decision and should not be taken lightly. Parents often find the decision agonizing, and it can be difficult for some parents to climb entirely on board. It is necessary to note that any retention decision should be made after much evidence is collected and after several meetings with parents. It is essential that you do not spring it on them at the final parent/teacher conference of the year. If grade retention is a possibility, it should be brought up early in the school year. However, intervention and frequent updates should be the focal point for most of the year. What Are Some Reasons to Retain a Student? There are many reasons that a teacher may feel that retention is necessary for a particular student. The biggest reason is typically the development level of a child. Students enter school at around the same chronological age but with ​varying developmental levels. If a teacher believes that a student is behind developmentally compared to the majority of students in their class, then they may wish to retain the student to give them â€Å"the grace of time† to mature and catch up developmentally. Teachers may also choose to retain a student because they simply struggle academically when compared to students at the same grade level. While this is a traditional reason for retention, it is necessary to note that unless you figure out why the student is struggling, it is likely that the retention will do more harm than good. Another reason teachers often retain a student is due to the student’s lack of motivation to learn. Retention is often ineffective in this case as well. Student behavior can be another reason that a teacher chooses to retain a student. This is especially prevalent in lower grades. Poor behavior is often tied to the developmental level of the child. What Are Some Possible Positive Effects? The biggest positive effect of grade retention is that it provides students who are truly behind developmentally a chance to catch up. Those type of students will begin to thrive once they are developmentally on grade level. Being in the same grade two years in a row can also provide a student with some stability and familiarity, especially when it comes to the teacher and the room. Retention is most beneficial when the child that is retained receives intensive intervention specific to the areas in which they struggle throughout the retention year. What Are Some Possible Negative Effects? There are many adverse effects of retention. One of the biggest negative effects is that students who are retained are more likely to drop out of school eventually. It is also not an exact science. Research says that students are more negatively impacted by grade retention than they are positively affected by it. Grade retention can also have a profound impact on a student’s socialization. This becomes especially true for older students who have been with the same group of students for several years. A student who has been separated from their friends could become depressed and develop poor self-esteem. Students who are retained are likely physically bigger than their classmates because they are a year older. This often causes that child to be self-conscious. Students who are retained sometimes develop serious behavior issues, especially as they age. What Grade(s) Should You Retain a Student? The rule of thumb for retention is the younger, the better. Once students reach fourth grade, it becomes virtually impossible for retention to be a positive thing. There are always exceptions but, overall, retention should be primarily limited to early elementary school. There are so many factors that teachers need to look at in a retention decision. It is not an easy decision. Seek advice from other teachers and look at each student on a case-by-case basis. You could have two students who are remarkably similar developmentally but due to external factors, retention would only be appropriate for one and not the other. What Is the Process for a Student to be Retained? Each school district typically has its own retention policy. Some districts may oppose retention altogether. For districts that do not oppose retention, teachers need to make themselves familiar with their district’s policy. Regardless of that policy, there are several things a teacher needs to do to make the retention process much easier throughout the year. Identify struggling students within the first few weeks of school.Create an individualized intervention plan to meet that students individual learning needs.Meet with the parent within a month of initiating that plan. Be straightforward with them, provide them with strategies to implement at home, and be sure you let them know that retention is a possibility if significant improvements aren’t made over the course of the year.Adapt and change the plan if you are not seeing growth after a few months.Continuously update the parents on their child’s progress.Document everything, including meetings, strategies used, results, etc.If you do decide to retain, then follow all school policies and procedures dealing with retention. Be sure to monitor and comply with dates concerning retention as well. What Are Some Alternatives to Grade Retention? Grade retention is not the best remedy for every struggling student. Sometimes it may be as simple as providing a student with some counseling to get them going in the right direction. Other times it is won’t be that easy. Older students, in particular, need to be given some options when it comes to grade retention. Many schools provide summer school opportunities for students to attend and make improvements in the areas in which they struggle. Another alternative would be to place a ​student on a plan of study. A plan of study puts the ball in the student’s court sort of speak. A plan of study provides students with specific objectives that they must meet over the course of the year. It also provides assistance and increased accountability for the student. Finally, a plan of study details specific consequences for not meeting their specific objectives, including grade retention.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Child Sleep Training Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Child Sleep Training - Essay Example And if the baby just goes along with the flow and does not cry as much, this baby is regarded as a good baby, as he is very compliant. Though parents absolutely love a baby that does not give them trouble and sleeps through the night, sleep training is detrimental to the emotional and physical development of an infant. When a baby is sleep trained, he is kept to a very regimented schedule with very few deviations. He is to sleep and eat at certain times of the day, as everything is governed by a clock. When a clock says a certain time, the baby has to do the task that is to be done at that time, and this includes sleeping, as everything goes hand in hand with the sleep training process. An excerpt from Fleiss' book titled, "Mistaken Approaches to Night Waking," describes the sleep training process in great detail. The article states that babies must be put to bed at the same time for naps and at night, and the parent is not to go in and comfort the baby if he should cry. The baby is to be conditioned to learn to self sooth. He will cry himself to sleep until he realizes that bedtime is bedtime and that the parents will not be coming back into the room. Despite how loud and frantic the baby's cries become, they are to be ignored. Eventually, the baby will stop crying and will give up and go to slee p. If the baby wakes in the night, its cries are to be handled the same way. Parents can make a brief visit to the baby's room to see that he is okay and comfort him verbally if they'd like, but there is to be no eye contact or cuddling. Then, they leave the baby's room, even if the baby is still crying. They can come back five minutes later and then leave again. They can repeat this process again at ten minutes, fifteen, and twenty: however, under no circumstances are they to pick up the baby. Eventually the baby will give up crying and fall asleep, as severe fatigue and exhaustion has overcome him (Fleiss, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.A.P.). There is no doubt that this type of conditioning has detrimental psychological effects on the baby. For instance, let's say that he woke in the middle of the night due to having a bad dream. Despite needing his parents comfort, it is not given to him, as comforting and cuddling the child, despite the reason for needing it, would interfere with the child' s training. The article goes on to say that eventually, the baby becomes so trained that he is reluctant to call or cry out to his parents for help in the middle of the night, even if the help is badly needed. No matter how scared the child is, he will remain silent, forced to deal with his trauma all on his own because h has been taught that bothering his parents is a cardinal sin. He does not receive the reassurance that he so badly needs. While some children are resilient and can do fine when they grow up, sleep training has caused numerous adults to grow up feeling insecure. This is because they were never responded to when they were infants (Fleiss, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.A.P.). In the first stage of human development, Eric Erickson states that the infant is learning how to distinguish trust versus mistrust. The infant develops trust when he realizes that his carers will supply all his needs and keep him safe. One article that discusses the stages of development in detail states that during the first stage of development, it is critical that a parent or carer meets a baby's every need and responds quickly. When the baby is responded to quickly and all of his needs

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Public Obligations of Intellectuals Summary Article

The Public Obligations of Intellectuals Summary - Article Example He had to work hard in order to save money for college. Dysons father, hard work and religion inspired him to study in order to help other people and protect them. Intellectuals should never exist separately from their community; they need to serve other people and use their knowledge to â€Å"combat half-truths† which surround people in their daily life. Understanding the complexity of race, intellectuals add clarity to the issue and give people an opportunity to understand each other. Dyson recollect the failure of Malcom X to struggle for racial liberation and suggests that healthy debate can be more effective to cope with this issue. Searching for the truth and arguments, intellectuals should never be â€Å"lazy† because in this way they will be ineffective for their community. In summary, Dyson comes to the conclusion that intellectuals need to use their knowledge to help other people, promote their freedoms and rights and serve their community effectively. Sentenac, Hannah. â€Å"GMO salmon may soon hit food stores, but will anyone buy it?†. Fox News. March 11, 2014. Web. May 26, 2014.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Killer Angels Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Killer Angels - Research Paper Example It will then provide an analysis of the events. The story begins with an account of events that took place on 29 June 1863. Here. a spy by the name Harrison comes at night from his spying base to inform General Longstreet that he has seen the Union troops moving towards the confederate’s camp. The information takes General Longstreet by surprise since according to him, General Stuart is supposed to be keeping an eye on the movements of the Union troops. As a result, General Longstreet decides that the confederates should act immediately by moving to the southeast of Gettysburg for them to be able to intercept the Union troops (Shaara 4). Shaara (6) notes that far down south, the Union troop’s commander general Chamberlain wakes up to a surprise finding that his Twentieth Maine troops have increased in number by more than a hundred when mutineers from Second main joined them. Chamberlain advises them to join the troops so that they can continue with the fight. However, only six concede and joins the Twentieth Maine headed by General Chamberlain. When general Buford of the Union arrives in the town of Gettysburg with his troops, they find that the confederates had camped nearby. He notices that war is looming and decides to position his troops of about two thousand men along the sloppy hills in the area. His decision to go to the hill is based on the fact that General Buford believes that the key to winning the war is position themselves on a higher ground as it would be easier for them to fight from above. Within the Confederate camp, the commander general Longstreet meets with General Pickett and others to strategies for the battle (Shaara 13). On July 1, very early in the morning, General Lee wakes up and is annoyed on realizing that Stuart is not available. He believes that the strength of the Union troops is dependent on the availability of General Stuart. As a result, he meets Longstreet who is intending to move to the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Reflection on Food Waste

Reflection on Food Waste As a part time employee in a grocery store during my early high school days, I witnessed on a regular basis that at the end of each day a large quantity of baked goods and perishable food items which had reached their shelf life were carted to the garbage compactor. At the same time at the stores front entrance there were a couple of aged and homeless people begging for alms in order to buy their daily meal. I wondered at the time as to why the discarded food could not instead be distributed to those in dire need of it waiting just outside. As I continued with my studies in university I realized that the same scenario was and is still being played out on a global scale where food does not reach the people who need it the most; but for different reasons. While in the case of the hungry outside the grocery store, the action may have been necessary to prevent pandemonium and inconvenience for the staff. However globally, human hunger and starvation is caused by food shortages resulting from environmental degradation, rapid population growth, questionable technology and current economic models. Through the Holy Bible, the basis of my faith, I know that God has given all human beings dominion over the earth and all its creatures but for our own selfish purpose we tend to interpret the facility granted to us as permission to unbridled mastery over nature. We ought to remember that being given dominion over the earth merely makes us custodians of His creation. Gerald Barney, a scientist aptly stated that, for the first time in the history of Creation, the life support systems of the planet earth are being destroyed by human activities. Throughout history humans have caused locally significant damage to the environment, but never before have human numbers and actions combined to threaten the integrity of the entire planet.[1] In light of this shocking reality there is an ever increasing need for the implementation of a just and sustainable global food system to prevent humanity from crises, for hunger and malnutrition are responsible for more deaths today than any known disease . Each and every human being must be responsible participants in the reduction of global climate change which has caused major environmental disasters. Floods and droughts are known to be the main causes of worldwide food shortages and famines. Since my childhood I was always taught not to waste food and not to eat as if there was no tomorrow. I realize the wisdom in that teaching as there is not only an environmental cost of getting food on the table but it also leaves a detrimental footprint on nature in the form of global warming, pollution, destruction of the eco system, degradation of arable land and fresh water supply. Unlike the aboriginal peoples of our land who treated the earth and nature as sacred using it strictly for basic living needs, in our society as a whole we conceive of the land in terms of ownership and use. It is a lifeless medium of exchange.[2] How do we cultivate a way of life that does not violate the integrity of creation? Will we use the knowledge, be ready to use every effort and continue in our perseverance to prevent further damage to the environment and replenish the arable lands that now lie wasted? The answer is in the hands of each and every human being. Just as each member of a family is responsible for the maintenance and protection of their home, we as a global family must adopt the same attitude caring for our planetary home, we call Earth. While environmental degradation may be the indirect result of our actions, we humans are directly in control of the size of our families and the global population at large, however controversial the methods employed may be. Can the rate of the worlds staple crop production keep feeding the hungry on this earth? Both my parents came from large families in India and with the modest incomes both sets of grandparents earned; they were able to nourish their children. Basic fruits and vegetables were home grown and staple grain was locally produced or easily available. Hunger and malnutrition, I was told was minimal in those times. Presently, in the land of my ancestors, having large families is still considered a blessing from God in spite of widespread poverty, malnutrition and hunger; a human crises that is rising exponentially. They were fruitful and prolific; they multiplied and grew exceedingly strong, so the land was filled with them.[3] The land is said to be full when the food sup ply is inadequate and the environment is deteriorating. It is also known that a full environment is a dynamic concept depending on the application of human wisdom and knowledge.[4] The same Creator who declares children are a reward is also displeased when overpopulation causes destruction of His handiwork. Do we have the wisdom and the knowledge to offer proper advice for human reproduction? If so, will we be able to ensure the present global population and guarantee future generations an abundance of what creation has to offer? If we fail to find positive answers to the issue of overpopulation, the global food shortage will create chaos in poor nations further causing these failed states to export diseases and refugees. The earth does not contain resources to feed the hungry indefinitely for this will cause global grain shortage which in turn would raise prices and put food out of reach of even more people. In our quest for the growing demand of food worldwide, we must do all within our power to make agriculture as productive as possible. As a student of commerce and economics I am aware that less land is required for farming if production is maximized per acre leaving more land to be left in its wild and natural state. Biotechnology through genetic engineering of seeds has been a boom to agriculture by increasing the yield of crops, using less water and pesticides, creating less stress on our fragile land and producing grain of a higher nutritional value. However the use of biotechnology is a sharply divided issue because it also gives humans the right to claim a patent on life form which is an ethical concern. Are we trying to play God? Needless to say the very success of natural science has bred an attitude which has allowed for the exploitation and domination of the natural world in complete disregard to the social and ecological consequences.[5] Firms try to maximize profits where the marginal cost of production equals the marginal benefit derived from the produce. However, this current economic model, in my opinion, is flawed as it does not include the implicit cost of environmental degradation caused through the use of pesticides or improper crop rotation that is incurred in the production of food. Essentially, companies in the food biotech industry only seem to care about maximizing their profits regardless of how it affects the environment or humans that depend on food for survival. It is very disturbing to hear that food biotech companies purchase some of the crops from third world countries in order to genetically modify the seed only to sell it back at prices that are at a very high premium.A biotech company in the U.S. bought coffee beans from Brazil in order to genetically modify them so that they would be more weather-resistant to climate changes in Brazil that threatened future crops. However, when it came time to selling these genetically modifi ed beans back to Brazil, this same biotech firm marked up the price to the extent that Brazil was unable to afford it. Developing countries should not be subjected to this unethical practice carried out by such firms. Therefore, in my opinion, in order to build a sustainable future for people, a new earth economic model needs to be developed, one that aligns the economy with ethics and the environment. Will future life and production be controlled through biotechnology and selfish economic considerations? To counter any advancement that technology has made to benefit human food security, staple grains are now being grown to produce bio-fuels. According to the teachings of my faith, do not, for the sake of food, destroy the work of God. Everything is indeed clean, but it is wrong for you to make others fall by what you eat.[6] It would prick my conscience to realize that in order to drive my car across Canada it would require an acre of corn if not more; grain that could have been used to feed so many hungry and malnourished people in this world. The need for the development of alternate fuels is no doubt an urgent issue but it should not be at the cost of seeing our very own species placed in dire straits; an ethical irresponsibility. The last third of the twentieth century witnessed an unprecedented shift in the Human-Earth relationship; the Third Mediation as Thomas Berry termed it. Human impact now threatens Earths capacity to regenerate life as we know it and love it. Despite our basic dependence for survival on this planet, we continue to damage it through environmental degradation, overpopulation, massive use of technology and economic greed. If we are to achieve a globally just and sustainable food system, we have to learn to live in a way that does not outstrip natures capacity to regenerate itself on its own time cycles and terms. Further we should avoid forcing changes in natural systems themselves, changes that are at times even difficult for adaptable species to accept. Endnotes Rasmussen, Larry. Toward an Earth Charter. Religion Online. The Christian Century Foundation, 23 Oct. 1991. Web. 14 May 2010. . N. Scott Momaday, A First American Views His Land, National Geographic Magazine (July 1976), 18. Meeks, Wayne A. Exodus. HarperCollins Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version (with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books). Student ed. SanFrancisco: HarperCollinsPublishers, 1994. 79. Print. Fick, Gary W. Ecology in the Bible. Food, Farming, and Faith (S U N Y Series on Religion and the Environment). Albany, New York: State University Of New York Press, 2008. 37. Print. Gorringe, Timothy. Playing God. Harvest: Food, Farming and the Churches. London: SPCK, 2006. 117. Print. Meeks, Wayne A. Romans. HarperCollins Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version (with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books). Student ed. SanFrancisco: HarperCollinsPublishers, 1994. 2135. Print.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Peter Tosh A man of the past, living in the present, walking in the future :: essays papers

Peter Tosh A man of the past, living in the present, walking in the future Peter Tosh. With the name comes a certain stigma and uneasiness in Reggae circles. Peter Tosh was a crusader and warrior in a musical forum more known for it’s mellow and passive resistance. As former college and producer Lee Jaffe simply put it "A lot of people were afraid of Peter, they did not know how to deal with him."(Stepping Razor, Red X: the Peter Tosh story, Bush Doctor Films). He traveled the globe for roughly thirty years preaching his message of equality and justice for every man. He was preaching against powerful forces and societal brainwashing and misinformation. The so called downpressorman or Babylon. He fought against these forces, with bravado, undaunting passion, and an arrogant open style that many people did not know how to deal with. He had a strong conviction of what he viewed as right and wrong. When he saw something as unjustified watch out. He attacked his viewed oppressors with the veracity of an attack dog. As reggae artist of international supers tar status, this was a dangerous thing, because he reached the masses. The way that Tosh fights these oppressors, is with Word, Sound, and Power not physical violence, as one Rasta elder asserts this the Traditional Rastafarian way, "Word, Sound, and Power, is a symbol of man. Seen? That is what we use amongst Babylon. We don’t use a stick, nor a stone, nor a gun" (Stepping Razor, Red X: the Peter Tosh story, Bush Doctor Films). He sings songs witch he believes to be divine. The message of Jah channeled through him. He gains inspiration from the sacrament, the sweet gift of Jah, Herb. Tosh does not try and make the messages sweet and trite, about love affairs and such. He makes sure each and every song is meaningful and to the point. Then like a musical architect as he describes it, he decorates the message with the musical intricacies of his trade. The blunt message is delivered in angelic harmony, surrounded by a heavy hitting bass, the ever-present drums, and the exultant trademark lead guitar that influenced a generation of reggae guitarists to come. The intent was to draw a listener in with the music, so that he or she then had to pay attention to the words. Tosh’s music was a call to arms against Babylon and a vehicle to unit the downtrodden of the world.